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Antistatic Wheels

Windows Based Program Bringing X-FineRework to another level

Features and User Benefits

  • Program and control X-FineRework from a PC.
  • Use the PC as a passive capture device: the operator controls X-FineRework from the Front Panel of FOCUS "X" and all events are recorded in the PC.
  • Observe time / temperature characteristics of the process in progress.
  • Modify programs on-the-fly using a computer mouse or keyboard entry.
  • Store programs and profiles of executed processes, manually and automatically.
  • Store additional information related to performed tasks (such as PCB Numbers, PCB descriptions, and so on) entered manually or via barcode reader.
  • Compare two profiles or programs.
  • View and review complete sequence of events.
  • Print programs and profiles.
  • Export programs and profiles to Excel.


To connect FOCUS"X" to PC X485-USB Converter is required.

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Order Now Part Number Description Price
XFR-Commander & X485-USB Converter
XRF-Commander Windows Based Program Controlling FOCUS"X" and X-FineRework. This program makes entering and altering the profiles "a breeze" and allows for documenting in the PC and making hard copies of what was done during Rework.
Qty1 +
X485-USB Converter A Converter which allows for connection of X-KAR Products to a PC or Laptop (X-Reflow306 LF, FOCUS"X", SMT-ServiCE , X-1001 and other X-KAR units) to upgrade Firmware (if needed) and to control and program ovens and X-FineRework Systems from a PC.
Qty1 +